Change Management Fundamental Basics “Gangnam THE ROCK Style” – Part 67

Christiano will learn over time that during periods of change, organizations should promote the belief that Hyperboles best illustrate that “Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome” tends to manifest in a MAFIA style regime predicated on CLICKS who play dirty and nasty tricks to quickly rise within the ranks for being strong enforcers and committing the dirty deeds of idiots.

In my opinion, organizations need to embrace the notion that during periods of change it is critical to insure that policies and procedures are in place to identify individuals contaminated with “Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome” as a by product of significant change.

It is important for organizations to acknowledge that during periods of change, the greatest risk to successful change is posed by contamination of the mass with “Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome” as opposed to a “Zealous Greatness Blessed (ZGB) Syndrome”.

In this New World Order (NWO) where there are persistent changes, be it through mergers and acquisitions or restructurings and reorganizations, the only constant which is assured over time is that of change.

In order to be able to compete in this New World Order (NWO), there is one of two generic techniques. The first technique which I refer to as “Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome” is predicated on the notion that when one feels threatened, in either fact or appearance, of losing their job, their home, their family, their wealth or any other “Raison D’Être”, one’s innate savage survival instincts tend to kick in, whereby one needs to protect one’s turf, whereby one might not be strong enough to do so on their own, such that one may look to join a CLICK in order to gain strength in numbers to knock out the most talented picks.

For example, weak people with low self-esteem and low self-confidence levels will tend to not compete head on with the strongest talent, but rather will tend to look to join a CLICK who will make up stories to tarnish the reputation of their greatest talent, in order to take the strongest talent out of the game, without anyone suspecting any foul play, as when multiple people contemporaneously lie, steel and cheat, Human Resources will always take the side of the mass, as logic would say the mass is the grass while the strongest talent must be the ass.

However, in reality the masses are behaving like ass in order to protect their grass against the top brass. Further to this example, the CLICK will then tend to further stick together until the end, for were anyone to slip, this would result in an immediate termination of employment flip like the flick of a switch.

Therefore, the CLICK will tend to be effective in getting ahead by forming a type of underground MAFIA within the organization which will only tend to reward those within their CLICK while ostracizing their opponents in order to be able to step on their heads in order to get ahead.

Lastly, further to this example, multiple CLICKS will tend to form whereby CLICKS will tend to operate like MAFIA CLANS on the streets whereby if one is not connected well, one will be sent to Hell while those connected well within, will quickly rise within the ranks for being strong enforcers and committing the dirty deeds.

As is evident from my Hyperboles above, this type of approach is destructive, counterproductive and chaotic by its nature. For the record, Hyperbole is defined as the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. Hyperboles may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create strong impressions but they are not meant to be taken literally.

Now I would like to focus on the second technique which I refer to as “Zealous Greatness Blessed (ZGB) Syndrome” whereby one is zealous to achieve greatness while having respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for God, such that one does not need to strike but all one needs to do is to expose the dirty deeds of the envious and selfish breed contaminated with greed.

In summary, I refer to “Change Management Gangnam THE ROCK Style” as the belief that Hyperboles best illustrate that “Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome” tends to manifest in a MAFIA style regime predicated on CLICKS who play dirty and nasty tricks to quickly rise within the ranks for being strong enforcers and committing the dirty deeds of idiots.

Christiano Says, “WHO Is Gangnam THE ROCK Style – Barbarian Grudge Distress (BGD) Syndrome?”