Change Management Fundamental Basics “Gangnam THE ROCK Style” – Part 64

Christiano will learn over time that during periods of change, organizations should promote the belief that Hyperboles best illustrate that competition is a normal part of life except that there are normal and abnormal ways one may choose to compete such that one does not need to cripple their opposition in order to have them beat.

In my opinion, organizations need to embrace the notion that during periods of change it is critical to insure that policies and procedures are in place to identify individuals contaminated with “Submission Hold Syndrome” as a by product of significant change.

It is important for organizations to acknowledge that during periods of change, the greatest risk to successful change is posed by contamination of the mass with “Submission Hold Syndrome” as opposed to a simple “Three Count Syndrome”.

In this New World Order (NWO) where there are persistent changes, be it through mergers and acquisitions or restructurings and reorganizations, the only constant which is assured over time is that of change. In order to be able to compete in this New World Order (NWO), there is one of two generic techniques.

The first technique which I refer to as “Submission Hold Syndrome” is predicated on the notion that when dealing with one’s competition or opposition, one should be in UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) street fighting mode whereby one looks to break their competition’s nose or when nobody is looking, one throws an elbow to the breast or a low blow.

Under UFC style rules there are no holds barred such that the objective is to punish one’s opposition to the point that he or she taps out or alternatively passes out.

Furthermore, under UFC style rules there is a mixture of breeds, from skilled professional karate taekwondo breeds to street fighters who learned how to fight in the streets to survive the hood because fighting was the norm for which everybody in the hood stood.

The key point to note is that UFC style competition by design is created to cripple your opposition in order to win combined with different styles, be it professional or street wise, to achieve the same goal which is ending your opposition’s career amongst the fans cheers.

As is evident from my Hyperbole above, this type of approach is destructive, counterproductive and chaotic by its nature. For the record, Hyperbole is defined as the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. Hyperboles may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create strong impressions but they are not meant to be taken literally.

Now I would like to focus on the second technique that I refer to as “Three Count Syndrome” whereby the goal is predicated on the notion of healthy competition such that the object is to win by a simple one, two, three pin.

Under this approach, there is a referee who counts to three such that there is a winner and loser who is able to come back to fight another day.

The key point to note is that competition is a normal part of life except that there are normal and abnormal ways one may choose to compete such that one does not need to cripple their opposition in order to have them beat.

In summary, I refer to “Change Management Gangnam THE ROCK Style” as the belief that Hyperboles best illustrate that competition is a normal part of life except that there are normal and abnormal ways one may choose to compete such that one does not need to cripple their opposition in order to have them beat.

Christiano Says, “WHO Is Gangnam THE ROCK Style – Submission Hold Syndrome?”