Thursday, June 9, 2016

World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part 197:

As a continuation from my last blog whereby I believe the root of “World Peace” is centered on peace in the Middle East with the first step being negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I would like to remain objective and independent in my views such that I would like to today bring Iraq into my views as they seem to be the closest at this time to a full fledge civil war of rage like wild animals stuck together in a cage. However, it is important to note that Israel and Palestine seem to be awakening from their hatred induced coma state with the potential for peace negotiations to be resumed in the near future in the United States, while Egypt continues to operate in supremacy domination mode whereby the minority Christian military continues to hold on to power while the Muslim majority is fuming at the seams hoping to awaken from this horrible dream. As for the Syrians, both sides are still in anger induced coma state for the mentally insane such that millions of Syrians continue to suffer each and every day. In terms of the Russians and Ukrainians, they seem to have entered into a political war game whereby neither party wishes to concede but rather seems to prefer to enter into a civil war and commit dirty deeds. While Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Syrians, Russians and Ukrainians continue along their respective paths toward enlightenment, it is now time for the Iraqis to be enlightened as to the path of quelling their current tensions before any more civil war breaks out which bears the risk of leading to a third and final world war on this earth, after which, there will be no place for anyone left to run. In summary, Observers around the world are stunned by the speed and scope of assaults on every major city in the upper Tigris River Valley, including Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. However, as the ISIS rebels extend their reach across Iraq, the U.S. Air Force was forced to intervene in order to prevent Genocide while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki relinquished power opening a new political chapter that U.S. officials hope will move Iraq toward a more unified front against Islamic jihadists currently running wild and literally beheading “Infidels” like pigs without shedding a tear as blood spills out of their victims giving everybody creepy chills. During the week ending on Sunday, June 5, 2016, Turkey continued with their aggressive siege of CIZRE, SILOPI, DIYARBAKIR and NUSAYBIN, predominantly KURDISH, converting a suburban area into a war zone whereby the office of the governor of MARDIN in NUSAYBIN stated that 495 KURDS had been killed, 508 barricades removed, 52 ditches filled and 1,213 hand-made explosives destroyed in operations throughout NUSAYBIN. Security forces also announced that the operations in SIRNAK city center were also completed. The official figures indicated that 489 KURDS had been killed, 202 barricades removed, 56 ditches filled and 1,510 hand-made explosives destroyed. As a friendly reminder, Turkey's southeast has been the scene of significant military operations since December’ 2015 as the TURKISH police and army seek to clear the KURDS from urban areas. Moving on to IRAQ, tens of thousands of lives, and the future of IRAQ, are at stake as the country’s armed forces with the assistance of SHIA militias fight ISIS for the city of FALLUJA whereby ISIS is now fighting for their livelihood as, if ISIS looses FALLUJA, this will be the first significant strike by the ALLIANCE at the heart of the ISIS organization. As a friendly reminder, ISIS still controls key strategic territory, most notably MOSUL, its northern IRAQI stronghold, and RAQQA, its de-facto capital in SYRIA. However, for the first time since the self-declared ISIS caliphate came into being, ISIS is under significant bombardment pressure and facing significant territorial losses in FALLUJA. Moving on to SYRIA, the Syrian Army troops have crossed into RAQQA province, nearing the capital of ISIS, as heavy Russian air strikes helped the SYRIAN army offensive although there is no Syrian or Russian confirmation of this operation. As a friendly reminder, a US backed alliance of Syrian Kurdish and Arab fighters under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) started a campaign in May to expel ISIS militants from land north of RAQQA. As a friendly reminder, ISIS seized the city in 2013 from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad and ISIS quickly established its headquarters in RAQQA and began imposing its vision of a state, implementing a strict interpretation of Islamic law under its self proclaimed “caliphate”.

In my opinion, Turkey’s participation in the military battle against ISIS is a positive addition to the ALLIANCE albeit Turkey’s negative stance against the PKK which in my opinion is currently unwarranted and deteriorating. However, with the recent majority victory by the governing AKP and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it appears that Turkey’s future is heading for more war and bloodshed. Unfortunately, the governing AKP and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have chosen the path of war with the PKK as opposed to diplomacy via the KURDISH HDP political party which secured close to 11% during recent Turkish elections. Therefore, in my opinion, the governing AKP and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will learn the hard way that nobody on the outside world looking in is stupid but rather everyone chooses to close their eyes and allow Turkey to continue with its ethnic cleansing campaign of the KURDS in exchange for Turkey signing a deal with the European Union (EU) to stem the flow of refugees arriving in Greece. In exchange for reducing human trafficking and improving living conditions for 2.5 million refugees within its borders, Turkey will receive Euro 3 billion in financial aid in return, the possibility of visa-free travel for its citizens, and a reopening of EU membership talks. In my opinion, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the governing AKP will learn the hard way that ethnic cleansing of the KURDISH minority by the dominant TURKISH majority cannot be justified on the basis of dominant personal, financial & political interests. That is, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the governing AKP cannot hide behind the banner of the TURKISH military when committing atrocities against the KURDISH minority with the justification that TURKISH military intervention is required in the interests of public security. In my opinion, it is evident that there is a dual standard in practice whereby the KURDISH minority is ostracized as terrorists for any form of resistance against the TURKISH majority while the TURKISH majority is allowed to commit atrocities and genocide of the KURDISH minority on the basis of public security. However, in actuality it appears that the TURKISH majority wishes to annihilate the KURDISH minority that could be seen as terrorist activities of the governing AKP. It appears that the dominant TURKISH majority is allowed to operate above the law, as any and all actions by the TURKISH majority are deemed lawful while comparable actions by the KURDISH minority are deemed unlawful. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a sign that TURKEY has become an autocratic society whereby the KURDISH minority is not allowed to exercise any democratic rights other than the right to concede victory to the TURKS. In regards to IRAQ’s armed forces with the assistance of SHIA militias fighting ISIS for the city of FALLUJA, the city holds huge symbolic value as FALLUJA became a hotbed of SUNNI insurgency in the aftermath of Saddam Hussein’s toppling and was the subject of two large-scale offensives by the US military that failed. For that reason, ISIS is not giving up easily and as ISIS is faced with the strongest bombardments yet to oust it from FALLUJA, ISIS has mounted a violent fight back. In my opinion, although ISIS may be a group of Barbarian, Neanderthal, Self-Centered, Egotistical, Narcissistic, Masochistic, Sadistic, Idiosyncratic, Sociopathic and Psychopathic maniacs, their desire, passion and heart to fight is what has made ISIS one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations the world has ever seen. Therefore, IRAQ’s armed forces with the assistance of SHIA militias fighting ISIS on the frontlines should be commended for their bravery as without their blood sacrifice, there can be no victory over ISIS. In regards to the Syrian Army troops that have crossed into RAQQA province, nearing the capital of ISIS, as heavy Russian air strikes helped the offensive, this attack will stretch ISIS resources thin as ISIS is now being attacked on two fronts contemporaneously, that being FALLUJA, IRAQ by the US led ALLIANCE and now RAQQA, SYRIA by the opposing RUSSIAN led ALLIANCE. Ironically, the US led ALLIANCE in FALLUJA, IRAQ and the RUSSIAN led ALLIANCE in RAQQA, SYRIA could signal the beginning of the end for ISIS as if FALLUJA and RAQQA fall, all that would remain would be MOSUL, its northern Iraqi stronghold. Therefore, ISIS is now entering a phase of fighting for its survival while it had previously coasted through a phase of conquering vast territories across both IRAQ and SYRIA when ALL opposition were silenced, fearing for their lives, with no viable options other than to run and hide. In my opinion, the turning point for ISIS has been triggered under the old adage of “what you sow, you will ultimately reap such that on bitter soil can only grow bitter grass that will eventually rise and prick one’s dirty ass”.

In summary, I refer to “World Peace Lennon Ivan Style – Part 197” as the belief that the turning point for ISIS has been triggered under the old adage of “what you sow, you will ultimately reap, such that on bitter soil can only grow bitter grass that will eventually rise and prick one’s dirty ass”.

Spirit of John Lennon – Kurdish Guerrilla Song:

June 5, 2016

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